Grading System

Learn about the grading system we use to track the progress and achievements of our students.


Anyone who attends our classes regularly is considered a scholar. This is the entry level grade within our school, for those who are just beginning their historical fencing journey and learning the core fundamentals of our smallsword and military sabre systems.

It takes approximately 6 months to fully cover the basic curriculum of a single weapon. With dedication and practice, you’ll be fully versed in correct stance, footwork, attacks and defence, and capable of effectively wielding a sword in combat.

Free Scholar

To progress to the free scholar grade, students must pass both their smallsword and military sabre assessments. This is referred to as being ‘approved’ for both weapons.

Assessments involve testing a student’s knowledge of weapon forms and terminology, close observation during supervised free play, and ensuring adherence to expected safety standards.

Once approved as a free scholar, students are allowed to participate in free play and have earned the right to wear blue socks at the salle!

Advanced Scholar

Following completion of both weapon assessments, students can work towards the advanced scholar grade. This involves learning and developing enhanced techniques for smallsword and military sabre, consisting of small group teaching alongside one on one tuition and practice.

At the end of each weapon term, students will be observed to assess their competence in applying advanced techniques, both tactically and dynamically, when engaged in free play.

Provost / Teacher

The provost grade is for those who wish to advance their studies even further. To become a provost, advanced scholars must have begun their own study of weapon styles outwith our standard curriculum.

Provosts may also become class teachers, assisting Black Boar instructors with lesson delivery and supervision of free play sessions. To do this, they must pass internal teacher training, alongside any external accreditation as required.


Instructors are expected to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of weapon styles, to a level where they can confidently lead classes unsupervised, and have been doing so for a minimum of one year within the school.

Instructors are appointed by the Black Boar President and must complete all required training and external accreditation. They’re the only people within the school permitted to wear black fencing jackets.